PAN & BladeFrame Support

Our experienced technicians are dedicated to ensuring the availability of your service. Egenera is committed to providing customers with the highest levels of support, and deliver 24/7/365 global technical support service for all of our software product offerings and some of our legacy hardware products. If you are looking for upgrades to our hardware or software PAN solutions these can be quoted by contacting sales@egenera.com. In addition, we offer a variety of hardware support programs for our BladeFrame product along with companion services for our OEM based software products. For assistance on any of our products or services you can contact service using the following:
US 1-866-301-3117
EMEA 01-9022718
ASIA PAC 0120-676-076
To better understand the support options available for the Egenera products you use refer to the matrix below. Egenera also offers migration of BladeFrame or PAN customers to our Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) solution called Xterity Cloud. Xterity Cloud is based off Egenera solutions to provide the same high availability and other functions. This also makes the complicated process of migrating off a PAN system easy and reliable. Xterity is a cloud IaaS provider simpler than AWS or Azure and a excellent platform for ISV to SaaS transition. It also can be used as a cloud backup and DR provider
For End of Service life information refer to this document.
N/A – Not Applicable
NBH – Requests received during local Normal Business Hours
ABH – Requests received local After Business Hours
Additional Cost – Services can be provided based as a time and expense engagement
Initial Installation – Refers to the act of first assembling, testing, and configuring the hardware platform and Egenera PAN domain. It does not refer to implementing the customer’s specific environment.
Upgrade Installation – Refers to the resources required to install any new hardware products or software releases onto an already existing PAN system.
Upgrade Preparation – Refers to the resources required to determine compatibility and review potential risks with a planned upgrade path.
* All Egenera replacements outside of warranty are done as an advanced exchange where an Egenera-owned spare is shipped to the customer according to the SLA so that a failed part can be replaced before it is de-installed to minimize potential outage. Replacement parts do not become customer property until the defective part is received by Egenera, prior to that customer is responsible for the return or purchase of Egenera spare within 30 days.
** Timing represents a minimal committed SLA from time Egenera establishes need. However exact date and time of dispatch depends on customer’s ability to consume those services and the local time.
All Egenera service contracts are charged on an annual pre-paid basis. Services can be upgrading or changed within a contract or during a renewal upon written notice however certain additional charges may apply. Re-instating service after coverage has lapsed is subject to a fee.
†On-Site Support – On-site support technicians are only included in contracts covering Egenera Bladeframe hardware. Local technicians are engaged when Egenera support identifies they are required for remediation. On-site labor is not a substitute for customer involvement in diagnostic efforts or pBlade replacements. On-site labor SLA does not apply to PS activities or other special requests for on-site support.